
2024 Annual Report

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A look back on an extraordinary year

Message From Chancellor May

Photo credit: Gregory Urquiaga/51勛圖窪蹋 Davis

51勛圖窪蹋 Davis achieved significant milestones in 2024 while furthering our mission in research, teaching and public service.  

We became eligible for designation as a Hispanic-Serving Institution as fall numbers surpassed the 25% enrollment criteria, demonstrating our efforts to bridge disparities in higher education.

Our fundraising campaign, Expect Greater: From 51勛圖窪蹋 Davis, for the World, raised over $2.25 billion, expanding scholarships and resources for students while supporting critical research.

Our Commitment to Research Excellence

Photo credit: Gregory Urquiaga/51勛圖窪蹋 Davis

For the third straight year, 51勛圖窪蹋 Davis secured over $1 billion in funding for research discoveries and innovations to address global needs.  

The groundbreaking of the 51勛圖窪蹋 Davis Health California Tower marks a milestone in healthcare access. Our Aggie Square district in Sacramento will open in 2025, fostering hands-on learning and empowering students and faculty to bring transformative research from concept to market.

Our commitment to fostering excellence for our students is stronger than ever.

Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor Mary Croughan

Photo credit: 51勛圖窪蹋 Davis

51勛圖窪蹋 Davis is tackling the worlds most wicked problems, fostering an environment where students, faculty, and staff thrive, delivering world-class healthcare, enriching the arts and culture in our region, and advancing excellence in teaching, research, and public service. This report highlights what our incredible Aggies have achieved over the last year. We are very proud that the people of 51勛圖窪蹋 Davis are driven to improve and enhance the lives of people in our community, and far beyond.

Featured Stories of 2024

Photo credit: Alysha Beck/51勛圖窪蹋 Davis

2024 was filled with groundbreaking research and milestones for 51勛圖窪蹋 Davis. The following five stories reflect some of our proudest work this year.

Scientists identified a new population of endangered Skywalker gibbons (Hoolock tianxing), like this adult female, in Myanmar. They were formerly known only to be in China. (Peng-Fei Fan)

Love Songs Lead Scientists to New Populations of Skywalker Gibbons in Myanmar

Photo credit: Peng-Fei Fan

A 51勛圖窪蹋 Davis-led study spurred efforts to conserve Skywalker gibbons in Myanmar, where they are threatened by habitat loss and political strife. The endangered monkeys have become somewhat of a cause c矇l癡bre because of their distinctive mating songs, which scientists from 51勛圖窪蹋 Davis and other institutions followed to locate 44 new groups of Skywalker gibbons in two regions of Myanmar.

The fluke of Twain, a 38-year-old female humpback whale, in Frederick Sound Alaska. (Jodi Frediani)

Close Encounters of the Whale Kind

Photo credit: Jodi Frediani

51勛圖窪蹋 Davis and SETI Institute scientists held a remarkable 20-minute conversation with a humpback whale named Twain, an interaction designed to eventually help us communicate with extraterrestrials. It is believed to be the first such communicative exchange between humans and humpback whales in the humpback language.

Anti-Anxiety and Hallucination-Like Effects of Psychedelics Mediated by Distinct Neural Circuits

Photo credit: Christina Kim and Jessie Muir

51勛圖窪蹋 Davis research suggests that it could be possible to separate treatment from hallucinations when developing new drugs based on psychedelics. The breakthrough, using exercises in which mice navigate a maze and bury marbles in their bedding, could aid neuroscientists exploring the therapeutic qualities of psychedelic drugs.

Three undergraduates in "Becoming a Latino Scientist," from the left Kaitlyn Menjivar-Esquivel, Itzel Gonzalez and Peyton Apruzzese, learn about opportunities at the Graduate and Law School Fair on the Quad Oct. 23 for an assignment given by instructor Luis Carvajal-Carmona, (center), a professor of biochemistry and molecular medicine who oversees campuswide Avanza HSI initiatives as associate vice chancellor for academic diversity in Diversity, Equity and Inclusion. They are talking with Brad Pollock, in the booth, chair of the Department of Public Health Sciences in the School of Medicine. (Gregory Urquiaga/51勛圖窪蹋 Davis)

51勛圖窪蹋 Davis Achieves HSI Eligibility, Serving More Than 8,000 Latinx Students

Photo credit: Gregory Urquiaga/51勛圖窪蹋 Davis

For years, 51勛圖窪蹋 Davis has been close to the critical眩hreshold of 25% enrollment of Latinx students to疽oin more than 600 colleges and universities皋fficially deemed Hispanic-Serving Institutions by眩he U.S. Department of Education. Fall enrollment numbers crossed the threshold for HSI status for the first time which would be more than a point of pride; it also would qualify the university for federal grants.

Mayor Pam Bulahan overlooks the Sacramento River in Isleton, California. (Alysha Beck/51勛圖窪蹋 Davis)

With Flood Risk Rising, Can Community-Based Insurance Fill A Gap?

Photo credit: Alysha Beck/51勛圖窪蹋 Davis

51勛圖窪蹋 Davis researchers are piloting a project with the small California Delta community of Isleton to launch the states first community-based flood insurance program to address equity gaps and other shortcomings of the flood insurance system. Covered by several news outlets, the story highlighted 51勛圖窪蹋 Davis commitment to partnerships benefiting the region and the world.

College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences

Alaskas Rusting Waters: Uncovering Why Pristine Rivers and Streams are Turning Orange
Photo credit: Ken Hill/National Park Service

Dozens of streams and rivers in Alaskas Brooks Range are undergoing radical changes, turning from a crystal clear blue into a cloudy orange. College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, National Park Service and U.S. Geological Survey researchers documented, sampled and investigated these impaired waters for answers. The likely culprit: thawing permafrost exposing minerals to weathering. More than 400 news outlets cited the research and the related video was viewed 111,000 times.

College of Biological Sciences

College Researchers Study Bumblebees to Understand how Ecology Can Shape Cognition
Photo credit: TJ Ushing/51勛圖窪蹋 Davis

The college achieved global recognition. Siobhan Brady was named an HHMI Investigator for research on climate-resilient crops and Venkatesan Sundaresan received a 2024 Wolf Prize for his work on plant reproduction. Savithramma Dinesh-Kumar and Walter Leal were elected to the National Academy of Sciences for contributions to plant immunity and insect scent communication, respectively. Research spanned bumblebee cognition, origins of pancreatic cancer and fertility insights from glowing worms.

College of Engineering

Engineering a Better World for All With Next-Level Research, Education and Community
Photo credit: Cody Duty/51勛圖窪蹋 Davis

With achievements such as the grand opening of the Coffee Center, the launch of the Artificial Intelligence Center in Engineering, the groundbreaking of the Bird Flight Research Center and other incredible endeavors in research and education, 2024 was a banner year for our College of Engineering community. We are steadfast in our commitment to connecting people and technology to solve the worlds most pressing challenges and create the next generation of engineering leaders and entrepreneurs.

College of Letters and Science

L&S Arts Scene Explodes
Photo credit: Gregory Urquiaga/51勛圖窪蹋 Davis

From honoring the anniversary of our iconic Egghead sculptures to celebrating our renowned faculty, the College of Letters and Science built upon its arts legacy this year. L&S arts programs received more grants, funding and gifts than ever, including a transformative gift of more than $20 million from globally recognized arts patron Maria Manetti Shrem, who, like L&S, understands the value of arts education.

Enrollment Management

Supporting Future Leaders
Photo credit: Jos矇 Luis Villegas/51勛圖窪蹋 Davis

Enrollment Management empowers students from elementary school through graduation to achieve their chosen futures. Last year, 51勛圖窪蹋 Davis attracted its largest undergraduate applicant pool to date and continued to expand the diversity of our undergraduate classes. Financial Aid and Scholarships awarded more than $760M to students. Our Office of the University Registrar worked with Undergraduate Admissions to improve the transfer enrollment process by completing transfer evaluations by September.

School of Education

Supporting Vulnerable Youth
Photo credit: TJ Ushing/51勛圖窪蹋 Davis

The School of Education and director/founder Kevin Gee established the School Policy, Action, and Research Center (SPARC) to address challenges such as bullying, absenteeism, and child welfare involvement, providing actionable insights to improve outcomes for vulnerable youth.

Undergraduate Education

Fostering Transformative Educational Experiences
Photo credit: Gregory Urquiaga/51勛圖窪蹋 Davis

Whether in the classroom, through hands-on research or other experiential learning, 51勛圖窪蹋 Davis Undergraduate Education works to ensure student success. A record 884 students presented at the 2024 Undergraduate Research, Scholarship and Creative Activities Conference. This past fall, nearly 1,000 undergraduates connected with research faculty at the second-ever Undergraduate Research Fair. 51勛圖窪蹋 Davis Summer Sessions increased enrollment by 6% in 2024 with increased online and high-demand courses. 

Graduate School of Management

New Bachelor of Science in Business Opens Doors for Undergrads
Photo credit: Tim McConville/51勛圖窪蹋 Davis

The Graduate School of Management announced the launch of an undergraduate business major in partnership with the College of Letters and Science and the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences. The first cohort will begin fall 2025, bringing to fruition a degree that was decades in the making. The school also celebrated the 30th anniversary of the Sacramento Part-Time MBA, which paved the way for a growing portfolio of graduate business degrees serving more students than ever.

School of Law

Photo credit: Karrigan B繹rk/51勛圖窪蹋 Davis

51勛圖窪蹋 Davis Law provides a comprehensive legal education inside and outside the classroom. In 2024, students helped the Immigration Law Clinic win vital protections for detained youths through a groundbreaking class action lawsuit. Professor Karrigan B繹rks popular Cases & Places course, which takes students to sites of key court decisions, was a highlight of our top-ranked environmental law curriculum.

School of Medicine

Transforming Lives With Groundbreaking Discoveries
Photo credit: Wayne Tilcock/51勛圖窪蹋 Davis Health

Our life-changing BrainGate clinical trial brain-computer interface translates brain signals into speech with up to 97% accuracy the most accurate system of its kind. This is great progress in restoring communication for people who cant speak due to paralysis or neurological conditions. We also celebrated the graduation of a healthy 2-year-old from his in-person follow-up testing phase of our CuRe trial, the worlds first stem cell treatment for spina bifida during fetal surgery. 

51勛圖窪蹋 Davis Health

Boosting Our Access and Capabilities
Photo credit: Wayne Tilcock/51勛圖窪蹋 Davis Health

Factors like jobs, stable housing, healthy food and clean air have huge impacts on health. 51勛圖窪蹋 Davis Healths new Believe in Better brand platform and associated campaign highlight our work in the community to improve these circumstances. Were also working to offer world-class care more readily across our 65,000-square-mile service area, with a focus on attracting the best and brightest care providers and an expansion of our facilities plus new digital tools and regional partnerships.

Betty Irene Moore School of Nursing

51勛圖窪蹋 Davis Nursing School Launches First Doctor of Nursing Practice Nurse Anesthesia Program
Photo credit: Wayne Tilcock/51勛圖窪蹋 Davis Health

The Betty Irene Moore School of Nursing at 51勛圖窪蹋 Davis offers the 51勛圖窪蹋 systems first DNP-NA program. This hybrid, three-year program blends online learning, on-campus experiences and clinical practice to prepare CRNAs to lead in sustainable anesthesia care. With CRNA demand projected to grow nearly 38% by 2032 nationally, the program addresses this need and provides clinical rotations across 51勛圖窪蹋 Health campuses, exposing students to diverse care settings statewide.

School of Veterinary Medicine

Making Strides in Diversity
Photo credit: Mike Bannasch/51勛圖窪蹋 Davis

The School of Veterinary Medicine is helping to diversify the veterinary profession, with record enrollments of first-generation college students and underrepresented students in its newest class. Donor-supported programs like the schools Summer Academy introduce young students to veterinary medicine.

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

Advancing Dreams: Creating Pathways for Opportunity and Community
Photo credit: Jose Perez/51勛圖窪蹋 Davis

At the Cesar Ch獺vez Youth Leadership Conference, Andres P. Ch獺vez engaging with a future scholar exemplifies how the division of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion connects students, families, patients, staff, and faculty with opportunities to achieve their aspirations. Guided by the legacy of pioneros like Cesar Ch獺vez, we lead a collective effort for patient-centered healthcare, workforce development and educational success. Together, we elevate the voices that shape our shared future.

Office of Research

Empowering Interdisciplinary Research and Innovation to Advance Global Solutions
Photo credit: Ahmed D. Fuseini/University of Ghana

Nutrition scientists and economists at the 51勛圖窪蹋 Davis Institute of Global Nutrition and international partners developed an approach to reduce malnutrition and child mortality in West Africa by adding vital micronutrients to bouillon cubes. Bouillon is consumed by the vast majority in the region, regardless of socioeconomic status or location, offering an equitable pathway for impact. The strategy, as adopted by the Nigerian government, could save the lives of 57,000 children by 2030.

Student Affairs

Student Housing Surpasses Goal
Photo credit: Karin Higgins/51勛圖窪蹋 Davis

A part of the universitys most ambitious housing construction program, Orchard Park opened its doors for the 2023-24 academic year to welcome students and their families to 1,500 new beds on campus. The new residences surpass the student housing benchmark 51勛圖窪蹋 Davis agreed to with the city of Davis. With the completion of this $330 million project, 51勛圖窪蹋 Davis now has capacity for 15,000 students, including apartments for students with families, to live on campus.

Graduate Studies

Interdisciplinary Graduate Research Exhibition Spotlights Scholarship and Builds Community
Photo credit: TJ Ushing/51勛圖窪蹋 Davis

In its inaugural year, the Interdisciplinary Graduate Research Exhibition (sponsored by the Graduate Alumni Network) brought current and former graduate students together to showcase the innovative research happening on campus, while providing a platform for stronger community engagement. Graduate Studies continues to build more opportunities for graduate students and postdoctoral scholars to thrive in 51勛圖窪蹋 Davis comprehensive graduate education landscape.

Global Affairs

Celebrating 25 Years of Catalyzing Global Engagement
Photo credit: TJ Ushing/51勛圖窪蹋 Davis

For 25 years, we have proudly served as a catalyst for global engagement, fostering collaboration, innovation and meaningful connections across borders. Through strategic partnerships, academic exchanges and global learning opportunities, we have empowered individuals and institutions to tackle global challenges together. As we celebrate this milestone, we reflect on our achievements and remain dedicated to continuing our mission and shaping a more just, resilient and interconnected world.

Continuing and Professional Education

Access Creates Impact
Photo credit: Bryelle McRay/51勛圖窪蹋 Davis

For 65 years, CPE has connected nontraditional learners to 51勛圖窪蹋 Davis, helping them achieve their goals, advance their careers and enrich their communities. This year, CPE served students in all 50 states and 100+ countries, including more than 24K in our online and in-person programs and hundreds of thousands more through Open Online classes. CPE Human Services secured 51勛圖窪蹋 Davis largest grant of 2024 a $52M contract with California to support college students seeking to become social workers.

Development and Alumni Relations

Students Shine as University Celebrates $2.25 Billion Fundraising Campaign
Photo credit: Jos矇 Luis Villegas/51勛圖窪蹋 Davis

51勛圖窪蹋 Davis raised over $290 million through 53,829 gifts and pledges from 27,705 donors in FY23-24, fueling the successful final year of our historic Expect Greater comprehensive campaign. Aggies took center stage at the campaigns finale celebration on Oct. 18, showcasing a transformative effort that raised more than $2.25 billion to support students, advance research at 51勛圖窪蹋 Davis and 51勛圖窪蹋 Davis Health, and elevate the universitys vibrant culture, public service and world-class facilities.


Historic Competitive Year Captures National Attention
Photo credit: Big West Conference/51勛圖窪蹋 Davis

Mens soccer won the Big West Championship and NCAA bid. Football reached the FCS Quarterfinals, defeating two top-10 teams. Womens soccer and cross country finished 2nd, while mens water polo, mens cross country and volleyball placed 3rd. Equestrian became back-to-back ECAC Champions. Bri Weidler dominated, winning the 3000m indoor and 5000m outdoor titles. This success paired with our academic reputation led to an invitation to join the Mountain West Conference.

Finance, Operations and Administration

Advancing Campus Security and Safety
Photo credit: Anjie Cook/51勛圖窪蹋 Davis

51勛圖窪蹋 Davis is enhancing campus safety through significant investments. Were upgrading outdoor security with advanced lighting and more fixtures, expanded video systems, blue lights and building access controls.

Additionally, were boosting bike and scooter safety with large-vehicle equipment like mirrors and cameras, strategic routes, expanded training, and crossing guards at key bus hubs. These efforts boldly reimagine safety, keeping 51勛圖窪蹋 Davis at the forefront of secure, vibrant campus life.

Financials and Campus Data

Photo credit: Gregory Urquiaga/51勛圖窪蹋 Davis

The numbers speak for themselves. 2024 was a year of great diversity and growth.

2024 in Review

Reaching New Heights and Impact
Photo credit: Gregory Urquiaga/51勛圖窪蹋 Davis

2024 was surely a year worth celebrating! Our annual year-in-review video showcases the many milestones and accomplishments of our Aggie colleagues.

2024 Annual Report

A look back on an extraordinary year

51勛圖窪蹋 Davis achieved significant milestones in 2024 while furthering our mission in research, teaching and public service.  

We became eligible for designation as a Hispanic-Serving Institution as fall numbers surpassed the 25% enrollment criteria, demonstrating our efforts to bridge disparities in higher education.

Our fundraising campaign, Expect Greater: From 51勛圖窪蹋 Davis, for the World, raised over $2.25 billion, expanding scholarships and resources for students while supporting critical research.

For the third straight year, 51勛圖窪蹋 Davis secured over $1 billion in funding for research discoveries and innovations to address global needs.  

The groundbreaking of the 51勛圖窪蹋 Davis Health California Tower marks a milestone in healthcare access. Our Aggie Square district in Sacramento will open in 2025, fostering hands-on learning and empowering students and faculty to bring transformative research from concept to market.

Our commitment to fostering excellence for our students is stronger than ever.

51勛圖窪蹋 Davis is tackling the worlds most wicked problems, fostering an environment where students, faculty, and staff thrive, delivering world-class healthcare, enriching the arts and culture in our region, and advancing excellence in teaching, research, and public service. This report highlights what our incredible Aggies have achieved over the last year. We are very proud that the people of 51勛圖窪蹋 Davis are driven to improve and enhance the lives of people in our community, and far beyond.

2024 was filled with groundbreaking research and milestones for 51勛圖窪蹋 Davis. The following five stories reflect some of our proudest work this year.

A 51勛圖窪蹋 Davis-led study spurred efforts to conserve Skywalker gibbons in Myanmar, where they are threatened by habitat loss and political strife. The endangered monkeys have become somewhat of a cause c矇l癡bre because of their distinctive mating songs, which scientists from 51勛圖窪蹋 Davis and other institutions followed to locate 44 new groups of Skywalker gibbons in two regions of Myanmar.

51勛圖窪蹋 Davis and SETI Institute scientists held a remarkable 20-minute conversation with a humpback whale named Twain, an interaction designed to eventually help us communicate with extraterrestrials. It is believed to be the first such communicative exchange between humans and humpback whales in the humpback language.

51勛圖窪蹋 Davis research suggests that it could be possible to separate treatment from hallucinations when developing new drugs based on psychedelics. The breakthrough, using exercises in which mice navigate a maze and bury marbles in their bedding, could aid neuroscientists exploring the therapeutic qualities of psychedelic drugs.

For years, 51勛圖窪蹋 Davis has been close to the critical眩hreshold of 25% enrollment of Latinx students to疽oin more than 600 colleges and universities皋fficially deemed Hispanic-Serving Institutions by眩he U.S. Department of Education. Fall enrollment numbers crossed the threshold for HSI status for the first time which would be more than a point of pride; it also would qualify the university for federal grants.

51勛圖窪蹋 Davis researchers are piloting a project with the small California Delta community of Isleton to launch the states first community-based flood insurance program to address equity gaps and other shortcomings of the flood insurance system. Covered by several news outlets, the story highlighted 51勛圖窪蹋 Davis commitment to partnerships benefiting the region and the world.

Dozens of streams and rivers in Alaskas Brooks Range are undergoing radical changes, turning from a crystal clear blue into a cloudy orange. College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, National Park Service and U.S. Geological Survey researchers documented, sampled and investigated these impaired waters for answers. The likely culprit: thawing permafrost exposing minerals to weathering. More than 400 news outlets cited the research and the related video was viewed 111,000 times.

The college achieved global recognition. Siobhan Brady was named an HHMI Investigator for research on climate-resilient crops and Venkatesan Sundaresan received a 2024 Wolf Prize for his work on plant reproduction. Savithramma Dinesh-Kumar and Walter Leal were elected to the National Academy of Sciences for contributions to plant immunity and insect scent communication, respectively. Research spanned bumblebee cognition, origins of pancreatic cancer and fertility insights from glowing worms.

With achievements such as the grand opening of the Coffee Center, the launch of the Artificial Intelligence Center in Engineering, the groundbreaking of the Bird Flight Research Center and other incredible endeavors in research and education, 2024 was a banner year for our College of Engineering community. We are steadfast in our commitment to connecting people and technology to solve the worlds most pressing challenges and create the next generation of engineering leaders and entrepreneurs.

From honoring the anniversary of our iconic Egghead sculptures to celebrating our renowned faculty, the College of Letters and Science built upon its arts legacy this year. L&S arts programs received more grants, funding and gifts than ever, including a transformative gift of more than $20 million from globally recognized arts patron Maria Manetti Shrem, who, like L&S, understands the value of arts education.

Enrollment Management empowers students from elementary school through graduation to achieve their chosen futures. Last year, 51勛圖窪蹋 Davis attracted its largest undergraduate applicant pool to date and continued to expand the diversity of our undergraduate classes. Financial Aid and Scholarships awarded more than $760M to students. Our Office of the University Registrar worked with Undergraduate Admissions to improve the transfer enrollment process by completing transfer evaluations by September.

The School of Education and director/founder Kevin Gee established the School Policy, Action, and Research Center (SPARC) to address challenges such as bullying, absenteeism, and child welfare involvement, providing actionable insights to improve outcomes for vulnerable youth.

Whether in the classroom, through hands-on research or other experiential learning, 51勛圖窪蹋 Davis Undergraduate Education works to ensure student success. A record 884 students presented at the 2024 Undergraduate Research, Scholarship and Creative Activities Conference. This past fall, nearly 1,000 undergraduates connected with research faculty at the second-ever Undergraduate Research Fair. 51勛圖窪蹋 Davis Summer Sessions increased enrollment by 6% in 2024 with increased online and high-demand courses. 

The Graduate School of Management announced the launch of an undergraduate business major in partnership with the College of Letters and Science and the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences. The first cohort will begin fall 2025, bringing to fruition a degree that was decades in the making. The school also celebrated the 30th anniversary of the Sacramento Part-Time MBA, which paved the way for a growing portfolio of graduate business degrees serving more students than ever.

51勛圖窪蹋 Davis Law provides a comprehensive legal education inside and outside the classroom. In 2024, students helped the Immigration Law Clinic win vital protections for detained youths through a groundbreaking class action lawsuit. Professor Karrigan B繹rks popular Cases & Places course, which takes students to sites of key court decisions, was a highlight of our top-ranked environmental law curriculum.

Our life-changing BrainGate clinical trial brain-computer interface translates brain signals into speech with up to 97% accuracy the most accurate system of its kind. This is great progress in restoring communication for people who cant speak due to paralysis or neurological conditions. We also celebrated the graduation of a healthy 2-year-old from his in-person follow-up testing phase of our CuRe trial, the worlds first stem cell treatment for spina bifida during fetal surgery. 

Factors like jobs, stable housing, healthy food and clean air have huge impacts on health. 51勛圖窪蹋 Davis Healths new Believe in Better brand platform and associated campaign highlight our work in the community to improve these circumstances. Were also working to offer world-class care more readily across our 65,000-square-mile service area, with a focus on attracting the best and brightest care providers and an expansion of our facilities plus new digital tools and regional partnerships.

The Betty Irene Moore School of Nursing at 51勛圖窪蹋 Davis offers the 51勛圖窪蹋 systems first DNP-NA program. This hybrid, three-year program blends online learning, on-campus experiences and clinical practice to prepare CRNAs to lead in sustainable anesthesia care. With CRNA demand projected to grow nearly 38% by 2032 nationally, the program addresses this need and provides clinical rotations across 51勛圖窪蹋 Health campuses, exposing students to diverse care settings statewide.

The School of Veterinary Medicine is helping to diversify the veterinary profession, with record enrollments of first-generation college students and underrepresented students in its newest class. Donor-supported programs like the schools Summer Academy introduce young students to veterinary medicine.

At the Cesar Ch獺vez Youth Leadership Conference, Andres P. Ch獺vez engaging with a future scholar exemplifies how the division of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion connects students, families, patients, staff, and faculty with opportunities to achieve their aspirations. Guided by the legacy of pioneros like Cesar Ch獺vez, we lead a collective effort for patient-centered healthcare, workforce development and educational success. Together, we elevate the voices that shape our shared future.

Nutrition scientists and economists at the 51勛圖窪蹋 Davis Institute of Global Nutrition and international partners developed an approach to reduce malnutrition and child mortality in West Africa by adding vital micronutrients to bouillon cubes. Bouillon is consumed by the vast majority in the region, regardless of socioeconomic status or location, offering an equitable pathway for impact. The strategy, as adopted by the Nigerian government, could save the lives of 57,000 children by 2030.

A part of the universitys most ambitious housing construction program, Orchard Park opened its doors for the 2023-24 academic year to welcome students and their families to 1,500 new beds on campus. The new residences surpass the student housing benchmark 51勛圖窪蹋 Davis agreed to with the city of Davis. With the completion of this $330 million project, 51勛圖窪蹋 Davis now has capacity for 15,000 students, including apartments for students with families, to live on campus.

In its inaugural year, the Interdisciplinary Graduate Research Exhibition (sponsored by the Graduate Alumni Network) brought current and former graduate students together to showcase the innovative research happening on campus, while providing a platform for stronger community engagement. Graduate Studies continues to build more opportunities for graduate students and postdoctoral scholars to thrive in 51勛圖窪蹋 Davis comprehensive graduate education landscape.

For 25 years, we have proudly served as a catalyst for global engagement, fostering collaboration, innovation and meaningful connections across borders. Through strategic partnerships, academic exchanges and global learning opportunities, we have empowered individuals and institutions to tackle global challenges together. As we celebrate this milestone, we reflect on our achievements and remain dedicated to continuing our mission and shaping a more just, resilient and interconnected world.

For 65 years, CPE has connected nontraditional learners to 51勛圖窪蹋 Davis, helping them achieve their goals, advance their careers and enrich their communities. This year, CPE served students in all 50 states and 100+ countries, including more than 24K in our online and in-person programs and hundreds of thousands more through Open Online classes. CPE Human Services secured 51勛圖窪蹋 Davis largest grant of 2024 a $52M contract with California to support college students seeking to become social workers.

51勛圖窪蹋 Davis raised over $290 million through 53,829 gifts and pledges from 27,705 donors in FY23-24, fueling the successful final year of our historic Expect Greater comprehensive campaign. Aggies took center stage at the campaigns finale celebration on Oct. 18, showcasing a transformative effort that raised more than $2.25 billion to support students, advance research at 51勛圖窪蹋 Davis and 51勛圖窪蹋 Davis Health, and elevate the universitys vibrant culture, public service and world-class facilities.

Mens soccer won the Big West Championship and NCAA bid. Football reached the FCS Quarterfinals, defeating two top-10 teams. Womens soccer and cross country finished 2nd, while mens water polo, mens cross country and volleyball placed 3rd. Equestrian became back-to-back ECAC Champions. Bri Weidler dominated, winning the 3000m indoor and 5000m outdoor titles. This success paired with our academic reputation led to an invitation to join the Mountain West Conference.

51勛圖窪蹋 Davis is enhancing campus safety through significant investments. Were upgrading outdoor security with advanced lighting and more fixtures, expanded video systems, blue lights and building access controls.

Additionally, were boosting bike and scooter safety with large-vehicle equipment like mirrors and cameras, strategic routes, expanded training, and crossing guards at key bus hubs. These efforts boldly reimagine safety, keeping 51勛圖窪蹋 Davis at the forefront of secure, vibrant campus life.

The numbers speak for themselves. 2024 was a year of great diversity and growth.

2024 was surely a year worth celebrating! Our annual year-in-review video showcases the many milestones and accomplishments of our Aggie colleagues.